So i've realized it's been way too long since I've blogged and I'm finally at a computer that doesn't take forever to type. I'm not trying to make any excuses but I've had a lot of them. Let me start from the beginning.
The biggest reason why I haven't done this is both of the computers at my house are on the fritz. One of them has a bad virus and the other one has "issues." The next one would be school. Since the computers didn't really work at home I had to use the ones at school. I really don't like being on the computers at school because I have to stay there longer than needed. Plus, the work load was longer and I really wasn't focused extra stuff. Now I did have access to my dad's computer at his office but usually he would kick me off because he needed it.
But the main reason was forgetfulness. I honestly forgot about this for awhile. But the lovely Jenny has been making sure I don't forget this time. Oh, and Dani, too.
A lot has happened and I want to share some of it with yall but you'll have to wait and see what that will be.