Friday, July 30, 2010

Wow! Has it really been over a year since I've blogged??

For Jenny...

So, where do I begin? I'll start with the most recent. On May 14th, Casey Carlson asked the big question and my answer was YES!

Here's a pic of me with the ring at my job

Speaking of a job. The last time I was on here I was working at HEB and trying to transfer to the Bakery. A lot has changed in a year and I'm actually at my second job since the last time.

After HEB I moved to The Picture People at Barton Creek Mall. TPP will have to be a it's own post, but I went from Associate to Assistant Manager in 3 months! I was only at TPP for 4 months for multiple reasons and decided to find another job.

The job I'm at kinda found me. Awhile back Joel got a job at this place called the Distressed Property Institute, and in January Casey was able to get a job there, too. Which is a huge blessing all its own. *Yet another post :) Now back to my train of thought. When Casey got the job at DPI he immediately told me to apply. 1 month later I got the job and that takes you to my picture.

I have to go now. I have 2 birthday parties to go to tonight! Ryan form work and Stina my sister (#4)

This has been fun. I hope I'll remember to keep up with this :)

Til next time...